Flower and hearts
Diddle - girl and boy cartoon mouse
Disney patterns - Snow White, Pooh, Dalmations
Elegant Misc Patterns
A & N Heesackers (Netherlands) large flower pattern
Bezige Bij - Square border patterns of hearts and flowers On the left under MENU hold your mouse on "Creatief." And click on "Borduurpatronen
Card Inspirations (United Kingdom) patterns for: Christmas ornament, cross, snowflake and daisies. Butterfly, flowering vine, holly wreath
Prick 'n Stitch (South Africa) cute clown pattern
Queree (Netherlands) Click on Queree on the left column. Queree is a distinct type of Paper Eembroidery where you incorporate punches. If you don't have the specific punch for the project, try improvising with one you do have
Stitching Cards (United Kingdom) Butterfly, flowering vine, holly wreath, stitching alphabet font
String art patterns Beautiful patterns that might be adapted for embroidery on paper
Teardrop patterns An easy pattern for beginners
Wim's card page (Netherlands) birds & hearts pattern by Erica Fortgens
Leaping dolphin
Easter chick
Geometric flowers and border
Playing cards symbols
Graphic elements
Summer beach scene
Flowers of winter and Autumn
Summer rose
Lori B's Photo Bucket
Alisha's Photo Bucket
Card Inspirations Form-a-Lines patterns